Planning a baby shower is almost as exciting as staring your newborn right into their eyes the very moment they are placed into your hands. Spring themed baby showers are extremely fun to both plan and attend. As your party rentals Toronto experts, we have decided to provide you with some of the most popular baby showers themes that are used during the spring season.

Bee Themed Party Rentals

A Bee themed baby shower is a great way to express your love for spring through your décor. There are many items available at local party rentals Toronto stores that will assist you with the entire decoration process. For this specific theme, make use of colours black and yellow. This represents the appearance of a bee as well as the bright yellow sun in the spring time.

party rentals toronto

Nautical Themed Party Rentals

Creating a nautical look is a great way to say goodbye to winter and hello to spring! You can create loot bags that have boats and stripes on them. Allow your guests to feel like they are about to sail away to the best baby shower of the year by making the outside of your tent look like a boat.

Lady Bug Themed Party Rentals

The lady bug theme is extremely popular for the mothers who know they are having a girl. The beautiful clash of black and red is very welcoming and will create a positive atmosphere for your party. When you are shopping for party rentals in Toronto, stick to the red and black theme. You can also incorporate some white for added elegance.

Baby Elephant Themed Party Rentals

Baby elephants are an ultimate favourite! They are extremely cute and can easily enhance the look of any baby shower. You can include some edible baby elephant treats on the following desserts:

  • Cakes
  • Cupcakes
  • Ice cream
  • Cookies

In addition to this, you can rent dishes and place some mini elephant sculptures on top of them.

Sunflower Themed Party Rentals

What better way is there to represent spring than incorporating some sunflowers into your baby shower? Whether you decide to rent plastic or real sunflowers, the appearance alone will grant you with amazing results. If you are not too knowledgeable about how to decorate flowers, you can always hire an expert florist.

Party Rental

Party Rentals Toronto Services

There have been many party rental services put in place in order to assist you with planning the best event. Whether you want to host the most elegant spring wedding, or just a simple family event, you are in good hands once you have been connected with some of Toronto’s best party rental companies. By contacting an expert today, you are one step away from hosting the event of your dreams.


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